viernes, 26 de abril de 2013

City of Alicante

I went into Alicante today and went on the big ship. It has lots of things on board and i liked looking around at how things used to be many years ago when the ship was in the wars.

This is the restaurant inside the ship

This was the punishment for sailors who had done something wrong

I had a drink on board

Me and Kamila up in Santa Batbara Castle at the top

The views are good

jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

Nik - Spain April 2013

This is my first visit with Finca Supported Holidays and to Mainland Spain.
I am enjoying myself and like going out everyday.
The castle at Santa Pola

The museums are good places to have a look around and get some history of the town

The weather has been grreat since i arrived

Cooling off back at the villa me and Kamila

and a game of tennis

Visited the Safari Park

Martyn putting me through my paces at basketball
Great place to have a holiday here.

martes, 23 de abril de 2013

Tenerife 2013

We have all had a fantastic week in Tenerife this year. We have done lots and lots, eaten well and enjoyed all the parties.
Many thanks to Kamila and Sharran who made our week fun, exciting and pleasureable.

viernes, 12 de abril de 2013

Great day out at the Safari Park

miércoles, 10 de abril de 2013

Santa Barbara Castle

Hey, i think this is the first photograph i have had taken where i am standing up, it feels good.

lunes, 8 de abril de 2013

A trip into the City of Alicante, good day had by all

sábado, 6 de abril de 2013

Salt Mines

We a good day out today visiting the salt mines. It was warm but windy but it didn't bother me. I enjoyed myself.

viernes, 5 de abril de 2013

Ive had my fingers crossed all day that it wouldnt rain and guess what we had a good day out up on Los Arenales beach and went for our lunch. We then arrived back at the villa to find a big rainbow. It rained very hard and we had some thunder and lightening but we are inside so it doesnt matter. Tommorrow the sun will come out again.

jueves, 4 de abril de 2013

Keith In Alicante April 2013

Hi Folks, I'm having a grand time here in Alicante at the villa. The weather has been good and i have already got a tan.